Tuesday, July 8, 2014

5 Ways To Sneak In A Quick And Meaningful Workout

Guest post by JMP Member Samantha Hosenkamp

Busy workdays shouldn't mean sacrificing your health

Are you in a constant state of "I'll start working out tomorrow?" Do you feel like there aren't enough hours in the day? Fitting in a workout can be challenging, but it's certainly not impossible. These five easy tips can make you feel healthier, happier and more energetic throughout the day:

Take a stand against sitting

Did you know that sitting can increase your risk of an early death? The Harvard Health blog explained that prolonged sitting (desk jobs during which you sit 6-8 hours a day) can shorten the lifespan of even those people who workout regularly.

Try standing when taking phone calls, opting for a standing desk or setting a timer to get up every hour and stretch.

Break it up

If you can't get a full 30 minute workout in during the morning or evening, try breaking your daily workout into 10 minute increments. Wake up and do sets of pushups, squats, lunges and planks for ten minutes. Take a ten minute walk during your lunch break. Do ten minutes of yoga after work while watching TV. Time flies when you're having fun (exercising)!

Buddy up

It's easy to skip workouts when you're the only one who's accountable for your behavior. Find a friend who loves to do a workout you love. Set a reasonable goal--three workouts together per week--and stick to it. Perhaps you decide to run together in the morning and then have a quick cup of coffee together. An evening hike with a buddy is always a nice way to end the day. 

Get inspired

Feeling unenthused about your workout? Go to your favorite social media website (Facebook, Instagram) and find inspirational accounts to follow. Accounts that post awe-inspiring running pictures or motivational quotes might help prep your brain for your workout. I like to look at them first thing before a run to get motivated. 

Find your play

Famed runner and philosopher Dr. George Sheehan encourages people to find their play in his book 'On Running.' Your play is that state of sheer joy you experience when doing something you love. Exercise doesn't have to be a chore. Find something that makes you happy. Something that excites you. Be it running, a Zumba class, yoga, a walk with a friend--whatever it is, let it be in the spirit of play and 'workout' will have an entirely new, fun connotation. 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

3 Simple Things To Lose Weight, That Won't Cost You A Cent!


Weight loss doesn't have to be complicated!  I may not be easy, but it is simple.  Here are three tips to help support your weight loss efforts that won't require you to pull out your wallet.

1) Slow Down Your Eating.

Take 20 minutes to eat your meal before going back for seconds.

It takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain that you are full and you can stop eating.  Slow down, let your body catch-up with your brain and you will eat less.

2) Drink 2 Liters Of Water During Your Day.

Drink at least 2 liters of water through out the day.

Besides the fact that the human body needs lots of water to function optimally, water also fills you up.  Drink enough water between meals and you will eat less at meal times.

3) Get 7 Hours Of Sleep.

Sleep at least 7 hours every night.

Sleeping 7 to 9 hours per night helps the body shed unneeded body fat.  Partly because it helps reduce stress levels (which improves body composition) and because the body’s primary fuel source at rest is fat.

So you want to lose weight?  Eat slower, drink more water and get a good night’s sleep.  Simple.