Friday, June 21, 2013

The Ground Rules

So let’s go over the ground rules for how this blog is going to work.  I have every intention that this project will be a conversation between you and me.  There is definitely lots of information about fitness, nutrition, health and training that I want to share with you that I hope will either make your life better, or at the very least get you thinking for yourself about improving your health.
But with that being said, we aint taking no one-way roads on our journey to enlightenment!

I expect you to get involved with this blog and our effort to change our lives for the better.  I want you to start discussions, ask questions, try things and report back, even challenge what you hear from me as well as what you have heard from others. I want to know what is working in your life, and what is not; what advice was right on, and what just plain sucked.  Together I think we will find some important answers.

Now on to content:  I would love to think you all want to hear how my Ironman training is going and what my latest run splits are for last weekend’s long run, but I know most of you have no interest in that stuff.  Most of you want to hear about going wheat-free, how to make healthy changes to your workout routine or your diet, and what information is true and what is false when it comes to nutrition and training and who can you even believe anymore.

Of course we will discuss all of that and more, including healthy and tasty recipes, tips and tricks for making habit changes, new workout ideas and whatever else you all would like to talk about.  Remember this is your blog too, so tell me what you want to discuss and we will answer questions and debate topics you propose.

I recently went wheat-free and I have gotten a lot questions about how it is going and what the reasoning’s were behind my decision to cut wheat out of my diet.  I will be sharing my insight about a wheat-free diet in future blogs I promise.  Wheat is one of the most toxic “food” substances you can ingest and I highly recommend reading Wheat Belly by Dr. William Davis if you have not already.  This will give you a new reality when it comes to the kind of food we are putting in our bodies and the overall effects on our health.  It is a quick read and you can get it online for little money. 

Okay, I know I promised you a healthy recipe for protein bars (cookies) but I can't translate Heather's recipe so I will include it on Monday's post (sorry to be a tease.)  I want to make sure I have the right amount of each ingredient before I cut you loose in your kitchen.

Here is a picture to entice you even more.

Have a good weekend and we will talk on Monday!

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